Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wondering if anyone else here has listened to 'The 1980s: Were They Really That Bad' podcast?

Listened to it yesterday on a long drive and burst out laughing quite a few times, so I recommend downloading it and giving it a listen.

Apart from the just skewering of ripe targets (hair metal bands, Hall & Oates), I think they kind of missed the boat on a lot of really great English pop bands (The Cure, The Smiths, New Order, Echo & the Bunnymen) that I guess weren't as popular many places stateside. The urban/rural divide seems to inspire either a wary regard for, or slavish devotion to, Guns n Roses, depending on where you lived as a teenager. Will be interested in hearing other comments.

Consider this an assignment, which of course you can, and likely will ignore.

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