Tuesday, June 19, 2012

thanks Kyle, far and away the most succinct and all encompassing article I have ever read on this much debated topic....Very spock like in its unarguable logic....I plan to email this to all my neices and nephews who are decidedly of Emilys point of view...I suggest you all do the same.....but the real question is........we all take a number of discs from free places and burn them, but I think most of you are like me and still spend a lot of money on music (for me 97% of my music)....do any of you now not buy much and if so will this article change your habits?

1 comment:

Brian said...

Indeed my man from Camper Van and Cracker writes an incisice article, not surprising when you consider what a great lyricist he is. I will say that the Spock-like aspect of it breaks down a bit for me when he attributes the deaths of Chestnutt and Sparklehorse guy pretty muc directly to illegal downloading. Like possibly there were depressive indiviuals just saying?

I'm a mixed bag of downloads and purchases, fairly un-apologetically. I don't illegally download anything new, but take a fair bit of liberty on older stuff, in most cases music I own in small or large part by the artist in question, but on a different format. Should I buy it again? Legally yes. It's an aspect that doesn't get mentioned in the article but is germaine to people like us who've been collecting much for 35 years.