Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tonight's Playlist:

Round One
Derek - Terry Callier - Occasional Rain (1972)
Stuart - "Dark was the Night" compilation, featuring The National, My Brightest Diamond, Bon Iver
Kyle - Woods - Songs of Shame
Brian - Walt Dickerson - a selection from "This is Walt Dickerson" and "To My Queen" (early 60's)

Round Two
Derek - Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
Stuart - Ladyhawke - Delirium
Kyle - LCD Soundsystem - 45 and 33
Brian - Tapes N Tapes - The Loon

Round Three
Derek - The Handsome Furs - Face Control
Stuart - The Flowers of Hell
Kyle - Viva Voce - Rose City
Brian - White Rabbits - It's Frightening

Round Four
Derek - Pink Mountaintops - Outside Love
Kyle - Dirty Projector - Bitte Orca
Stuart - Fever Ray. Fever Ray. Fever. Ray.
Brian - Mary Halvorson Trio meets Cymbals Eats Guitars

Marc leaves.

Round Five
Derek - Elbow - Seldom Seen Kid
Stuart - Fanfarlo - Fire Escape
Kyle - Menahan Street Band - Make the Road by Walking
Brian - Sparks - This Town and Amateur Hour

Stagger stagger stagger...the night ends.

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