Monday, April 25, 2011

Maybe it's just because I've been on my own, working, for four days over a long weekend (take from that what you will re my frame of mind), but in the course of scouring Rdio for some appropriate music, I came across some Philip Glass piano works that I found almost impossibly beautiful. You lads may already know all or some of it. The pieces I'm referring to are "Metamorphosis" which is from 1988 and "Mad Rush" from 1979. They're both great examples of minimalism meets serialism, but so simple, haunting, and gorgeously melodic. Completely distracting when all I wanted was some background music! Ugh. There are a few recordings on Rdio if you're interested, both Glass himself, and Bruce Brubaker, which I'm listening to now. I'd start with "Mad Rush".

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