Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'll defer to others on Frisell but OMD was one I really enjoyed as well.

I didn't deep into all the earlier albums as Mr. Mercer, but 1985's "Crush" was one I really dug at the time and still think stands up today. The wistful panging and falsetto vocals of 'So In Love' and 'Secret' being two songs that are indicative of their style:

Didn't really ever think of them relative to Depeche or New Order, though I suppose the front and centre synth is the commonality and the reason for your grouping (ghetto-ing? :)). OMD''s music was typically more heartfelt and emotive than the other two, both lyrically and vocally, with bigger, more dramatic synth flourishes. DM, by comparison, come across as more restrained, and detached, both in terms of lead singer David Gahan's delivery and the lyrics themselves. Contrast 'Just Can't Get Enough', which is celebratory and joyously enthusiastic about its unnamed muse, for sure, but doesn't hold a torch to the gushing, I-just-might-die-outpouring of sentimentality in a song like 'If You Leave'.

New Order definitely had some signature synth throughout their catalogue but to me, this always took a backseat to Peter Hook's signature high end bass lines. See, Age of Consent:

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