Monday, March 21, 2005

Kyle do the songs have to have been Oscar winners (dammit! theres always somethin about me and rules....)IF so I can only think of one song in my lifetime that I thought worthy, and believe it or not its Philadelphia by Springsteen. This song is unlike pretty much anything he has ever done and tied in beautifully with the film itself. It supported the movie rather then being a distraction from it. The film I thought was the first and last really good film Hanks has ever done. Ive never understood his appeal at all. This film runs the risk of being shot down for sentimentalising such a serious topic (AIDS) however I bought into it completly and the film and song have remained forever linked since, which is I guess the whole point of an "oscar" song....hold on.... i think our boy elliott smith had an oscar song with miss misery? ....also....I think Shaft- Issac Hayes was an oscar winner , and aside from political correctness issues that song still knocks my socks off.

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