Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hey Brian what I found interesting when looking back over the sheets that detailed our selections round by round 2 years ago was that you almost took out Mr. 1960's Watson from the competition entirely (well before the final round) but lost the vote by the slimmest of margins 3-2.

And looking at your picks for that round I know you had my vote with your first two choices Billy Bragg and New Order but for the first time that night you wavered playing REM's "Driver 8" and U2s "Sunday Bloody Sunday". I'm not sure how the vote was split between 60s and 80s (hell I can't remember who I ultimately voted for) but Stu was ripe for the takedown and you let him off the hook with those last 2 songs in my humble opinion.

I think I'll miss the edginess of the elimination factor this time around and the chance to play a bunch of songs in a row.


kyle said...

Did he play Sunday, Bloody Sunday during the round against Stu (60s) or against me (70s) during our rematch (which I took, playing ELO, to Brian's chagrin/horror)?

Brian said...

You may be right Kylie