Monday, January 30, 2012

To each, their own! I know i’m never going to be able to convince you to listen to Springsteen Derek, and i know that i should stop because you will only despise it having walked into it with a mind closed tight as a bear trap. But in all seriousness, why should i care? I do take it as a personal affront every time it comes up ...and i know that dig was thrown dagger-like in my direction ...but why should i care?

I am thankful for the fact that we don ‘t agree on everything. I don’t get Genesis. I tried 69 Love Songs again for the smackdown ...didn’t get it, again. I find there is a lot that people go on about that i spin and just go hunh? The flip side of that is that i can be slow on the uptake on a lot of stuff, so i know i need to give it a chance. So much music ...only so many chances to spread around.

BTW, Elton John's early work is pretty close to my heart and i still listen to it fairly regularly. I think that we all form bonds with certain music at different times in our life for different reasons. I can't necessarily expect someone to relate to a piece of good music in the same way that i do because our life experience to which we relate music are different. If i came to his music now it would not mean the same thing to me. It's interesting that although music in the recorded form is static, in that it physically does not change with time, the environment in which it is reflected is a moving target. So don't worry Derek, I won't take it too personally.

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