Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kyle, i take your point about cock rock, but be aware (being the not so closet Q listener that i am on occasions) that you are lumping a huge swath of generalization into what you might think is the playlist of Q107. Don't get me wrong, i see its limitations, its sexism, its commercialization and the repetition of the rather narrow playlist as rather perplexing, but seriously, are you, of all people going to tell me that the entire Beatles catalogue is not to your liking. or that you never get honest pleasure from Dylan, Young, Marley, The Birds, the Kinks, The Velvet Underground, Nirvana, The Hip etc? ...i can see your point that over exposure breeds discontent, is that it? or is it a matter of "if it's on the Q, i must disassociate myself from it".

...can't believe i'm setting myself up for such a slaughter...it actually sounds like i'm defending the Q!

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